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Faith Beyond Walls


Inspired by Pope John Paul II’s visit to St. Louis, Interfaith Partnership and the St. Louis Metropolitan Clergy Coalition decided to collaborate to form an organization that would match different lay volunteers of various denominations with one-day volunteer projects in urban areas.


Vector, using the strategic visioning concept, coordinated and facilitated a series of planning and program development meetings with the members of the FBW strategic planning committee. Since the interfaith volunteer program was newly created, the five-year strategic plan included a program model and organizational structure, as well as an implementation timetable and budget.


The plan led to the formation of Faith Beyond Walls, the hiring of a full-time executive director plus part-time staffers, and eventually the receiving of a $1.2 million five-year grant from the Danforth Foundation. The organization continues to coordinate several volunteer projects and partnerships throughout the St. Louis metropolitan region.

Vector Communications Corporation
701 North 15th Street
Mailbox 43
St. Louis, MO 63103
A certified M/W/DBE