Home Contact Links Laurna Godwin and Jessica Perkins - Vector’s Principals.
About Us


Founded in 1998, Vector Communications Corporation is a St. Louis, Missouri based public engagement and communications consulting firm created and owned by Laurna Godwin and Jessica Perkins. Laurna is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist. She brings to Vector not only her 20-plus years in journalism, but her experience in public affairs, media relations, video production and event planning. Jessica brings to the company more than 23 years of experience in public policy, strategic planning, organizational development and graphic facilitation. As a graphic facilitator, Jessica uses pictures and metaphors to engage participants.

Our Mission Statement

Vector Communications is a relationship building-firm that uses innovative communication techniques and methods to broaden and transform people’s thinking so they can create lasting individual, organizational and community improvement.

Our Guiding Principles

Build Relationships: We understand that a project’s success depends on the relationship between the people involved and their understanding and appreciation of the interrelated perspectives of the issue. We facilitate dialogue that enhances trust between the parties and increases data understanding through systems thinking.

Create Innovative Techniques: We appreciate that individuals have multiple learning styles and that values and experience play a vital role in what people perceive mentally. Therefore, we incorporate visual and experiential methods so that people can assimilate data, solve problems, and think creatively.

Broaden and Transform Thinking: Everyone can improve their thinking and think beyond what they know. Our techniques and emphasis on including diverse groups in problem solving and decision-making demonstrates the infinite possibilities when different people come together to solve common issues.

Create Lasting Improvement: At Vector, we ultimately want to effect positive change in the overall community. However, we must begin with the smallest human entity of the community, the individual. A ripple effect begins when we influence the individual, who influences the organization. Since the organization interacts with the community, an improved organization leads to an improved community.

Vector Communications Corporation
701 North 15th Street
Mailbox 43
St. Louis, MO 63103
A certified M/W/DBE