Vector Fun Facts

1) How many Vector employees hold Master’s Degrees?

Four: Laurna, Amy, James and Taylor

2) How many Vector dogs are part of the team?

Five: Beaux, Bento, Buster, Dinero, and Winston

9) How many mayors have served St. Louis since Vector began?

Four: Mayors Harmon, Slay, Krewson and Jones

12) Who was Vector’s first client?

Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 and St. Louis Community College

14) How many boards has Laurna chaired?

Four: St. Louis Community Foundation, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Blackburn College and currently High Point University’s Strickland Women’s Leadership Council in High Point

15) What does Vector’s STARR™ engagement philosophy stand for?

Sustainability, transparency, accessibility, representative and results-oriented.

18) Which local organization has a scholarship named after Laurna’s mother?

The Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, the Corrynne F. Godwin Scholarship

20) How many Vector employees are native to St. Louis?

Four: Darby, James, Stephen and Katie

25) Who is the youngest member of our Vector team?

Our fearless COO, Darby Latham!

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